Abraxas Software, Inc.

CodeCheck  -  Flexible 'Floating' Language Tools  -  PCYacc     

Leader in Language Analysis Tools Since 1984

What's New   [ Revised June 15, 2024]   PDF Documentation

Abraxas Software, Inc.   

POB 42363    Portland, Oregon 97242 USA 

TEL: (503) 221-4311     Google: abraxas.sw@gmail.com

info@abxsoft.com [ Email   support@abxsoft.com ]

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Introducing Abraxas Software

Custom C/C++ Code Compliance Analysis since 1984

Abraxas Software has been in business developing software tools for programmers since 1982. We are incorporated in the state of Oregon. Our marketing plan has been to be a provider of high quality language development and analysis tools.

Abraxas Software Products

Abraxas Software is best known for two products. The first is the professional language development tool PCYACC which has been on the market since 1984, PCYACC is primarily used to develop embedded languages in third party products using languages such as SQL or SGML. The significance of PCYACC is that it includes Language engines for most common languages in source code form without royalty charges. Secondly, there is CodeCheck which was introduced in 1986 and is an expert system which can analyze the C and C++ programming languages and provide automatic quality assurance validation for corporate and military environments. CodeCheck is a fully programmable expert system and can be tailored for validating product specifications, computing most metric algorithms, and enforcing corporate coding standards. Our third major tool is CodeFix a very complex system for 'mapping' source using objective criteria.

CODECHECK - C/C++ Source Code Analysis

 Expert System Source Code  Analysis

CodeCheck 14.0 is a programmable tool for checking all C and C++ source code on a file or project basis. CodeCheck is input compatible with all variants of Standard K&R C, Standard ANSI-C/C++,  and all C and C++ compiler vendors. We support GCC-GNU Open Source C/C++ compilers. CodeCheck is designed to solve all of your Portability, Maintainability, Complexity, Reusability, Quality Assurance, Style Analysis, Library/Class Management, Code Review, Software Metric, Standards Adherence, and C++ Corporate Compliance Problems. CodeCheck Caveats  & OS dependencies.

CodeCheck Example Rule File Solution List 

MISRA-C/C++ 1998 & 2008 Online Validation Suite

We support ALL C/C++ development platforms, if your platform [HW/OS] is missing please tell us.

All single user licenses are floating. Discounted LAN licenses are available. [ Windows ]  [ Unix ]  [ Linux ]

The following is just a short list of Operating-Systems we support. Note that we support ALL operating systems, and platforms. We support ALL C and C++ compilers from all vendors for all time. We are committed to supporting all legacy C from the 1970's to C/C++ in 2004 and later. All versions of CodeCheck for all operating systems support all C/C++ compilers. This means our software allow's you to analyze C/C++ source code from any operating system so a developer can accomplish test's from their preferential developers environment. See Caveats  & OS dependencies.

Windows (NT/.NET/VISTA)     IBM AIX                                           IBM 390 (  zOS  )

Linux ( i86, Cygwin )                 IRIX ( SGI 6.x++ )                            Solaris (  Sparc,  x86 )

HP-UX 11 (PA-RISC, IA-64)  Alpha ( Compaq Tru64 Unix )           Apple Macintosh (  68k, PPC, OS-X  ) 

Windows ( 3.x, DOS )               VMS-VAX                                       LynxOS - QNX - PIC

CODEFIX - C++ Code Mapping

[ Expert System Source Code Modification ]

CodeFix 8.0 is a powerful tool for C/C++ Source Program Modification.

PCYACC - Portable Compiler ToolKit

[ Language Development Toolkit for ALL Languages ]

PCYACC 14.0 is a complete language development environment that generates & parses C, C#, C++, Java, J#, Delphi, and VBS source code from input Language Description Grammars for building Assemblers, Compilers, Interpreters, Browsers, Page Description Languages [ XML/SGML/HTML], Language Translators, Syntax Directed Editors, Language Validator's, Natural Language Processors, Expert System Shells, and Query Languages. The PCYACC Tool-Kit includes PCLEX, Visual Debugging Tools, Object-Oriented Class Library's, and Pre-Written "Drop-In" Language engines for virtually every computer language in the world.

Free Educational Version of PCYACC available for Windows  pcyacc_demo

Abraxas Software DEMO examples on disk with hard copy manual sets may be obtained free of charge by sending your physical mailing address to us via EMAIL, or software may be downloaded

UPS/FEDEX Air Shipping Anywhere in the World Free of Charge. 

We have Dealers all over the world -  Place Order Here.

We have been Automating & Customizing  C/C++ Compliance Analysis Since 1988

We have been the leader in Language Analysis Tools since 1984

